Learn To Surf
Written by URBNSURF | May 21st, 2020
Never surfed, but always wanted to learn? Our Surf Academy is the home of our surf school and training programs at URBNSURF #melbourne. With the help of our friendly, expert coaches, we’ll have you up, riding and improving your surfing – fast – and sharing the stoke with your family and friends.
Our lessons run for 1 hour and 45 minutes, starting with a briefing, stretching and land practice for 30 minutes, followed by 1 hour’s surfing and instruction in the water, and 15 minutes at the end to cool down and debrief.
During our temporary closure we’ve been working on a range of new group and private lessons, development pathways and other programs to improve your surfing, which we’re excited to launch later in 2020.
We hope you enjoy this clip by Tyge Landa, shot on a glorious sunny day in February.